Assured Psychology | Calgary, Alberta


Welcome to the Assured Psychology Blog

I pride myself on using humour wherever possible in therapy. It can be a tenuous balance at times and; it is not always the easiest road to take given some of the painful and personal topics people bring into the room.

In my experience as a therapist, I've learned that a heartfelt apology involves three essential steps for genuine healing and reconciliation in relationships.. Blog entry by Dan McMillan

How do you love yourself again? You already do.

The Art of S.M.A.R.T. Blog entry by Kevin Jones, M.C., R. Psych. Goals, we all have them. Whether we want to shed …

There’s No Place Like Home: Examining the Mental Health of Fly-in/Fly-out Alberta Oil Sands Workers Blog entry by Kevin Jones, M.C., R. …

The Pivot Blog entry by Cody Harper MSW RSW The following mental exercise is something that both myself and my clients are …

Although beginning to set boundaries is definitely easier said than done, each time you challenge that voice in your head that says you need to agree or you are not loved/worthy/kind/good enough, or any other fear that fuels the fawning response, it becomes less and less intimidating if you are engaging with a supportive person. This last point is very important because if you are in a co-dependent or abusive relationship, fawning is likely a way you are able to maintain safety, just as discussed earlier about a child in a toxic household. In this case, couples counselling or individual counselling would be necessary to adjust to relational norms established without healthy boundaries.

A therapist's guide to contentment and growth.

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begin an experience that is kind, connecting & helpful

We are accepting new clients. Appointments are available Monday to Saturday during daytime and evening hours. We’re located in comfortable office spaces in the Hillhurst/Kensington Area of NW Calgary, AB.