Assured Psychology | Calgary, Alberta

ADHD Assessment

in Calgary & Online

Understand Yourself or your Child Better

Diagnosis and understanding of ADHD can be pivotal in the development of learning and life strategies. Based in Calgary, our ADHD assessment services offer in-depth analysis for accurate diagnosis, symptom management and care plans.

Diagnosis and understanding of ADHD can be pivotal in the development of learning and life strategies. Based in Calgary, our ADHD assessment services offer in-depth analysis for accurate diagnosis, symptom management and care plans.

What Is an ADHD Assessment?

An ADHD assessment is a detailed evaluation process used to diagnose attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. This assessment is an important first step for individuals who exhibit symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, or impulsivity, that impact their daily life. For many there is a great relief in gaining a better understanding of why certain things have been uniquely challenging.

We offer brief and comprehensive ADHD assessments for adults, youth and teens.

How Does An ADHD Assessment Work in Calgary or Online?

Initial Consultation:

The assessment begins with an interview to understand personal challenges or symptoms related to ADHD symptoms and to rule out other concerns.

Comprehensive Evaluation:

This involves in-depth interviews, including a complete bio-psycho-social assessment covering developmental, medical, family, and academic/work history.

Rating Scales & Observations:

The use of ADHD behaviour and self-report rating scales and if possible, observation or feedback from other natural settings, may be part of the evaluation.

Analysis & Report:

After compiling all data, a detailed report is prepared with diagnostic findings and treatment recommendations.

Review & Treatment Plan:

A follow-up appointment is scheduled to discuss the results and develop a joint treatment plan.

Initial Consultation:

The assessment begins with an interview to understand personal challenges or symptoms related to ADHD symptoms and to rule out other concerns.

Comprehensive Evaluation:

This involves in-depth interviews, including a complete bio-psycho-social assessment covering developmental, medical, family, and academic/work history.

Rating Scales & Observations:

The use of ADHD behaviour and self-report rating scales and if possible, observation or feedback from other natural settings, may be part of the evaluation.

Analysis & Report:

After compiling all data, a detailed report is prepared with diagnostic findings and treatment recommendations.

Review & Treatment Plan:

A follow-up appointment is scheduled to discuss the results and develop a joint treatment plan.

How To Receive an ADHD Assessment in Calgary or Online

ADHD assessments in Calgary are accessible through various channels including the public health system, schools, & private practices. Online & In-person assessment options are also available from Assured Psychology as a private psychology practice.

We offer ADHD assessments for adults, teens and youth.

What to Expect in a Brief or Comprehensive ADHD Assessment

Brief ADHD Assessment (5.5 – 9 hours)

1. Informed Consent

2. Screening Questionnaires

3. Review of collateral information

Career Counselling

4. Review of medical, psychological, school information

5. Clinical Interview

We Are A Client First Organization

6. Informant interviews (up to 3 informants 15-20 minute interview per informant)

7. Informant rating scales (up to 3 informants)

8. Testing session (individualized per client), generally 2 hours

9. Mix of performance-based tasks and self-report questionnaires

10. Brief written report (4-6 pages, brief recommendations, brief resources) – 1.5 – 3 hours

11. Feedback session – 1 hour

Comprehensive ADHD Assessment (7 – 11 hours)

1. Informed Consent

2. Screening Questionnaires

3. Review of collateral information

Career Counselling

4. Review of medical, psychological, school information

5. Clinical Interview

We Are A Client First Organization

6. Informant interviews (up to 3 informants 15-20 minute interview per informant)

7. Informant rating scales (up to 3 informants)

8. Testing session (individualized per client), generally 2 hours

9. Mix of performance-based tasks and self-report questionnaires

10. Comprehensive written report (10-20 pages) – 3-5 hours.

11. Feedback session – 1 hour

What to Expect in a Brief or Comprehensive ADHD Assessment

Brief ADHD Assessment (5.5 – 9 hours)

Informed Consent

Screening Questionnaires

Review of collateral information

Review of medical, psychological, school information

Clinical Interview

Informant interviews (up to 3 informants 15-20 minute interview per informant)

Informant rating scales (up to 3 informants)

Testing session (individualized per client)

Mix of performance-based tasks and self-report questionnaires

Brief written report (4-6 pages, brief recommendations, brief resources) - 1.5 - 3 hours

Feedback session - 1 hour

Comprehensive ADHD Assessment (7 – 11 hours)

Informed Consent

Screening Questionnaires

Review of collateral information

Review of medical, psychological, school information

Clinical Interview

Informant interviews (up to 3 informants 15-20 minute interview per informant)

Informant rating scales (up to 3 informants)

Testing session (individualized per client)

Mix of performance-based tasks and self-report questionnaires

Comprehensive written report (10-20 pages)

Feedback session - 1 hour

Benefits of an ADHD Assessment from Assured Psychology

Assured Psychology offers comprehensive ADHD assessments in Calgary, focusing on helping to gain diagnostic clarity and useful recommendations.

Our approach ensures a thorough evaluation, considering each individual’s unique circumstances. We prioritize accurate diagnosis, understanding, and useful recommendations. This is done by consolidating information from a variety of sources with a compassionate, holistic approach.

How much does a ADHD assessment cost?

Please see Fees for a summary of the fees. Not sure if it is for you? Book A Free Consultation

We offer direct billing for many insurance providers.

"Hope is like the sun, which, as we journey towards it casts the shadow of burden behind us."

-Samuel Smiles