Assured Psychology | Calgary, Alberta


Welcome to the Assured Psychology Blog

What can you do? How to you resolve the uncomfortable feeling of resentment that we all experience from time to time?

Eating Disorders and Early Recovery is a complicated process to navigate and can be fatal if left untreated.

Rethinking Fatherhood from Producing to Persisting Blog entry by Dan McMillan M.Ed. R.Psych. Congratulations, you’re a dad! You’re excited and determined. Something …

Promote better connection in your relationships by better understanding empathy.

3 Ways to Help Couples Build Sexual Safety after Trauma: Sexual trauma often complicates sex for couples.

The Perils of Texting: We fall into this trap every day. Texting is a limited form of conversation prone to misunderstandings and negative bias.

5 Key Markers of Depression and Anxiety Information sourced and adapted from Dr. Michael Yapko 1. Internal Orientation Making use of your …

The Constellation. What we tend to do as human beings is we draw a constellation with those stars by grouping and connecting them. Once our constellation is finished we point to it and we say, "There. That's me. That's my life." 

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begin an experience that is kind, connecting & helpful

We are accepting new clients. Appointments are available Monday to Saturday during daytime and evening hours. We’re located in comfortable office spaces in the Hillhurst/Kensington Area of NW Calgary, AB.