Assured Psychology | Calgary, Alberta

Responding to COVID-19 In An Age of Misinformation

We live in an unusual period of time. Instead of struggling to access the information that we are looking for, we are overwhelmed by informational sources. When responding to an ongoing situation, such as COVID-19, a critical skill is being able to determine the validity of a source.

It’s important to remember that news media is a business. Their job is to engage consumers and to keep them engaged. While a reputable news source will not publish false information, they will add their perspective to the information that they have gathered. They will also link that information to other news stories to further engage the consumer. In the case of COVID-19, economics and politics have become intertwined with this ongoing health crisis. For these reasons, getting advice from the news may not be the most reliable source of information about what a person should do about COVID-19.

reliable sources in calgary

One of the things about people is that we’re not especially good at remembering where we heard a particular piece of information, or even if the source was reputable. At times like these, it’s important for all of us to pay careful attention to where we’re getting our information and the motivations of those providing it to us.

Article by: Dave Ponak

David Ponak
David Ponak offers in-person appointments in Calgary and virtual therapy sessions across Alberta. He believes the most important thing he can do for clients is to provide a comfortable, non-judgemental space where they can relax and be who they are.