Assured Psychology | Calgary, Alberta

How to Manage Resentment

How to Manage Resentment

What can you do? How to you resolve the uncomfortable feeling of resentment that we all experience from time to time?

Rethinking Fatherhood from Producing to Persisting

Rethinking Fatherhood from Producing to Persisting

Rethinking Fatherhood from Producing to Persisting Blog entry by Dan McMillan M.Ed. R.Psych. Congratulations, you’re a dad! You’re excited and determined. Something inside you really wants to be good at this. You want to be a great dad. Maybe even better than your own. Throughout your pre-fatherhood life, you were sure you would be one […]

Momentum is Greater than Motivation

Momentum is Greater than Motivation

Momentum is Greater than Motivation. Many of my clients have been speaking about the difficulties of finding the motivation to do something, anything, even if it’s something we know we’re supposed to do or would even enjoy doing.

As We Emerge From the Lockdown

As We Emerge From the Lockdown

As we emerge from the lockdown it’s likely that we will be experiencing some form of anxiety as we start to come out of this.



It has been a brutally hard winter for us. The days were dark, and the temperatures were frigid. Coronavirus numbers gradually decreased as we endured our longest lockdown.

Virtual Therapy During COVID-19

Virtual Therapy During COVID-19

Not having the option for in-person sessions pushed all of us into unchartered territory. Yet isn’t that exactly what therapy is meant to do? It invites anyone daring to explore to be challenged in order to find out what one is capable of.

Winter Blues Featuring COVID-19

Winter Blues Featuring COVID-19

Winter months are ordinarily the most difficult mental health time of the year. Cold, short days satisfy only the nocturnal yeti. As human beings, we mostly prefer warmish days, with plenty of sunlight. Humans are also very sociable